Saturday, June 23, 2007

So much to say and so little time

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We are quite behind with blogging, owing to having left London and wandered into a mostly internet free regional area.

I'm sure Mark is giving an extensive update. For me, the highlight of the last few days has been Westminster Abbey. We attended a service, which was incredibly moving. We were even blessed by the priest, which felt wonderful, despite us having no affiliation with the church at home. I lit candles for Dad and my grandfather, mainly because they were very top of mind as I sat through the service.

We were in Windsor yesterday and I was delighted to GET MY HAIR WASHED. I paid for it with a credit card and today have received an email from my bank telling me someone is using my card in Windsor. Good on them!

Windsor was so lovely we both agreed we could easily live there. I could open The Cupcake Cafe. Mark could run an internet cafe, because there isn't one. And then I could go off to work in London doing my usual thing.

In Salisbury today - a beautiful town. Much bigger than I realised when I first came here in 1996. We've been to Stonehenge this morning, which was much smaller than I remembered. And we've been to Old Sarum, which was really cool. It overlooks Salisbury, which was originally established by the Cathedral as a market town to raise money to pay for a new Cathedral. Which we've also visited today.

This afternoon we head for Avebury, and I hope the weather holds. It's certainly threatening to rain, though the heavens haven't opened up quite yet.

On another note, we have caught a couple of episodes of Big Brother here. Can I say that ours looks like a meeting of Mensa members in comparison. The house is dominated by twenty something girls who are NASTY pieces of work. One in particular, Charlie, looks entirely unhinged. She speaks like a gattling gun and is clearly suffering from an inferiority complex which makes her extremely aggressive. I think she's unfit to be in the house - she's seems quite dangerous and overly confrontational.

Back on the cupcake topic - there simply are none around here. I could make a killing with my cupcakes here. But you know what - I'm thrilled not to be baking. I may never bake again when I get back. I don't think people have to bake here anyway - the quality of special cakes in Marks & Spencer is absolutely amazing. Princess cakes, teddy bear cakes - they're all available off the shelf for about £4.99. Very impressive.

Last but not least - I hear the power is back on in NSW. Thank goodness. We've been watching the news and worrying about the storms and the damage. Hopefully nothing untoward has happened at our place. You never can tell with Oakwood Apartments.

Thanks everybody who's been emailing. It's wonderful to hear from home!

1 comment:

colbert said...

I'm happy and sad P !! Happy to see that you are having a wonderful time and visiting all the places that Jude and I spent amny many wonderful days in during 2000 and 2001... Bath, Glastonbury, Salisbury... And thats what makes me sad... I miss them all.. .particularly Bath... Thats It!!! I'm coming home!!!!