Saturday, June 9, 2007


Well, I thought we'd saved a mountain of money for this trip, but after only one day in London, we've demolished a goodly portion of our cash. Not through frivolousness, either. We went to the movies today, which is a fair thing to do when your feet are killing you. The price of the ticket was £12.50 each. The exchange rate here is 2.6 Aussie dollars for one pound. So, you do the maths and what you come up to is a movie ticket that basically cost AUD$33. EACH.


It cost us AUD$66 to get in the freaking door! Never mind the snackies! We didn't have any because we don't have a bloody overdraft!

The startling reality is we got better value for our £12 entry fee into Kensington Palace than we did out of our movie tickets. It just goes to show that the pursuit of history is a happy one afterall.

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