Saturday, June 9, 2007


First off, before I get into my daily update, what the hell is going on in Sydney and the central coast with the rain??? If anyone can give us some updates on what's happening back there it'd be appreciated. I keep seeing things on msn news about it and it looks pretty bad.

Anyway, enough about some of you, let's get back to me. And Pet.

We finally got to check into the b&b yesterday at 2:00pm and promptly went straight to bed and slept through til a little after 1:00am. Wide awake and still on Thai time, we got up, showered, got dressed and went for a walk around the neighbourhood. It was weird walking around at 2:00am on a Friday night and all the pubs were closed! We went to a convenience store and bought some snacks, including a Malteasers ice cream - hands down the best ice cream ever. We then wandered past a private club where a bunch of paparazzi were hanging out, waiting to see who'd come in or out of there. Had a brief chat with them and saw in the paper today that Kate Middleton had been in there. They showed a picture of her leaving the club, along with a close up of her sandalled feet and a blurb about her grubby toes! She'd been out dancing in a nightclub for the love of Pete! Of course her toes are gonna get a little grimy!

We ended up back in bed around 3:00am or so until 7:00 this morning. Spent the day in Harrod's, which is excellent, then wandered over to Kensington Palace and had a look through there. Very staid place, not particularly grand for the most part, although some of the artwork on the walls and ceilings was really quite amazing.

We thought we'd go see a movie so we bought tickets for Pirates of the Caribbean 3. At £13.50 each our two tickets ended up costing us approximately $70!!! Suffice it to say, we didn't dare get any popcorn or drinks.

So now it's 8:10pm and still broad daylight for another two hours and we're seriously tired. We're neither on Thai time nor London time - we're in some wacky twilight zone time, so our plans are to go back to the hotel and pass out like party machines and hopefully in the morning we'll wake up and be able to co-exist with all the Londoners.

Goodnight. And good luck.

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