Sunday, June 24, 2007

Catulunya architecture

Barcelona is the home of some of the most brilliant architecture in the world, thanks to Gaudi. Today we've seen what his inspiration was : creatures from the sea amongst other things. In the attic of La Pedrera is an exhibition of python skeletons, goat skulls, nautilus shells, sea sponges which are the key to the shapes he uses throughout his designs.

We heard that Gaudi could not draw that well, architecturally speaking, so he used objects to de,onstrate what forms he wanted to create. We saw what appeared to be a chandalier made out of chain with great loops connecting to make a three dimensional downward sloping castle. Underneath it was a mirror, and when you look inte Pedrerq ry shape of the python skeletong and you have a stunning attempted at a natural insulation system.

Despite being a miracle of design, the attic in La Pedrera was converted to aparlents at one point. Thankfully when the building was bought by La Caixa Catalunya in 1986 they realised the apartments were hiding a national treasure.

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